Diastasis Recti

What is it?

Diastasis Recti (DR) refers to a separation of the rectus abdominis, the “six pack” muscles at the front of the abdomen. It is an extremely common condition for the pregnant body. As the uterus grows during pregnancy the abdominal muscles have to stretch and move apart to make way for baby.


Because this is normal during pregnancy, the potential problem does not really arise until after delivery. Sometimes DR will repair on its own; other times the abdominal separation is quite advanced and needs some assistance in growing back. What we need in the later case is gentle abdominal exercises that encourage a drawing in of the abdominal muscles rather than a pushing out. Think squeezing into a pair of jeans rather than sit ups, which can actually worsen the problem.


Ok, so how do I fix it?

Start with these beginner exercises. As you get comfortable with the first exercise, work up to 3 sets of 10. THEN add in the next exercise.

Vacuum breath- This is deep belly breathing with an additional activation of your TVA (transverse abdominis). To start, lay on your back with your knees bent and feet flat. Place the hands on top of the belly so you can feel the movement of the belly with each breath. Take a deep inhale and then a full exhale. At the end of the exhale pull the belly in even deeper towards the spine and hold it there for 5-10 seconds. Release and repeat 10x.


Pelvic tilts- Feel for the natural arch of your lower back. Then move your arms by your side, draw in through the belly and start to tilt your pelvis back so the low back flattens and presses into the mat. You’ll hold for 1 second and release, letting that natural arch remerge.


Pelvic tilts with heel lifts- Same as the prior exercise but this time lift the heels and come up onto your tippy toes. This heel lift forces the movement to be initiated more from your stomach muscles rather than the feet.


Abdominal Marching- Maintaining a pelvic tilt, you’ll alternate lifting one foot up at a time, drawing your knee towards your chest. It will be tempting to hold the breath here with the belly pulled in, so close your eyes and focus on deep exhales.


Intermediate exercises (after you’ve been doing the above exercises consistently for >4 weeks)


Tap downs- These are very similar to marches, but you'll start with the legs lifted. From shins parallel with the floor, you’ll alternate dropping one foot down at a time. Just make sure you’re keeping your belly pulled in the whole time.


Tap downs with leg extension- Again once the above exercise becomes easy, then work towards lengthening the leg. Eventually extend your leg out to parallel a couple inches of the floor before drawing it back in.


Bridges- Place the feet back down on the floor behind your hips. THen press down into the feet to lift your hips up towards the ceiling. Pause for one second and then release.


Birddogs- From an all fours position, you’ll extend one leg back behind you. You’ll pull the belly in towards the spine and lift the opposite arm ONLY TO PARALLEL with the floor. Lifting beyond parallel doesn’t use much of the ab muscles. When you lift, gaze down on the floor and hold for 10 seconds before switching.


Consistency is key with these exercise! It can take some time to correct diastasis recti but its well worth the effort to help treat low back pain, prevent herniation and develop a strong core. As always feel free to reach out with questions!